Cass county Iowa

Cass County, Iowa Land Records

Cass County, Iowa Land Records

Crop and Land Value in Cass County, Iowa Land Records

Cass County, Iowa is located in the Southwestern part of the state. According to Cass County, Iowa Land Records the county covers 564 square miles. With that being said, there are around 700 farms in Cass County with a total of 331,362 farmland acres. The average size of a farm in Cass County is 412 acres. 287,811 of the total farmland acres are used for cropland. Crop sales bought in $131, 719,000 in market value in 2012 making up 58% of agricultural income. Farmland in Cass County Iowa sells for around $7,000 per farmland acre. Rent for farmland in Cass County is an average of $200 per acre.

Livestock Value in Cass County, Iowa Land Records

Around 38,000 acres are used to hold livestock and used for other agricultural purposes in Cass County Iowa. Improved pasture rents out for around $90 per acre, while unimproved pasture rents for around $60 per acre. To put cattle on stalk grazing you can rent land for $8 per acre. Livestock totaled a $96,600,000 grand total market value in 2012 making up 42% of the total agricultural income.

CSR Cass County, Iowa Land Records

Cass County, Iowa has a CSR weighted average of 61.8, 71 cropland average, 79 CSR2 cropland average. The average price per CSR2 point is around $90. Renting a CSR point will cost an average of $3 per CSR2. In 2012 the government paid out $5,900,00 to Cass County farms. Average receiving payments came to $10,000 per farm.


Cass County, Iowa Land Records