Adams County, Iowa Land Records

Adams County, Iowa Land Records

Adams County, Iowa Land Records

Land in Adams County, Iowa Land Records

Adams County, Iowa Land RecordsAdams County, Iowa is located in the Southwestern part of the state. According to Adams County, Iowa Land Records, Adams County is approximately 425 sq. miles with a total of 239,800 acres between the towns of Carbon, Prescott, Coing, and Nodaway. 188,706 acres or the 239,800 acres if used as cropland. There are 16,619 fields within Adams County, according to Iowa Land Records with the average field being 15.8 acres. 5,721 acres of the 239,800 acres is woodlands leaving 45,373 acres for residential, commercial, and development land.

Land Prices in Adams County, Iowa Land RecordAdams County, Iowa Land Records

The average farmland value is $4,758 per acre according to DreamDirt Farm & Ranch Real Estate, but states the average value is nearly $5,300 per acre. DreamDirt also states the average farmland value for Southwest Iowa is $6,060 per acre. According to Adams County, Iowa Land Records the highest known farmland to sale in the county was $9,800 per acre. Recently within Adams County, Iowa there has been 70 total sales of land according to Iowa Land Records. In like manner, the average county rent is anywhere between $110 per acre to $305 per acre. As states in Adams County, Iowa Land Records, $93 per acre is the average cost to rent improved permanent pasture according to the Adams County, Iowa Land Records. In addition hunting rights are $5 per acre and stalk grazing is $8 per acre.

History of Adams County, Iowa Land RecordsAdams County, Iowa Land Records

Adams County, Iowa was established in 1851. This county was named after the second President of the United States, Mr. John Adams. A few years later Adams County was separated from Pottawattamie County on March 12,1852. According to Iowa Land Records the original size of the county was larger than it is today, due to the creation of Montgomery County and Union County, Iowa.


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Adams County, Iowa Land Records